The UK's Department for Science, Innovation and Technology has released a paper on Measuring Impact of the Geospatial Commission, following my information request.

The Measuring Impact paper was presented for discussion at the 30 January 2024 meeting of the Geospatial Commission's Board of Commissioners. As described in the meeting minutes, the paper provides "an overview of the Commission's achievements and commitments met since 2018" and also discusses "the framework the analysis team use when considering impact."

As explained in the FOI response letter, DSIT has redacted some information on the basis that it is exempt from disclosure because it relates to the formulation and development of government policy.

In particular, DSIT has withheld the identified benefits per year from the Public Sector Geospatial Agreement (PSGA) and from the National Land Data Programme (NLDP), and savings from the Commission's commercial contracts.


The Geospatial Commission describes itself as an expert committee responsible for setting the UK's geospatial strategy and coordinating public sector geospatial activity. The Commission was set up in 2018, originally within the Cabinet Office.