Post: 1 December 2014
Updated 18 December 2014 with links to later version of dataset list
Updated 15 October 2015 with links to latest version of dataset list
I wrote a couple of weeks ago about the Environment Agency’s new Data Advisory Group (EADAG). The first meeting was on 18 November (minutes to follow) and there will be another on 16 December.
EADAG members have been asked to comment on a Top 50 list of datasets that EA have earmarked for prioritisation as open data releases, based on some corporate objectives.
I haven’t formed my opinions on the Top 50 list yet. However EA have also provided a copy of their National Dataset List. This is the full list of 1,700 or so [update: 1,300 or so] “nationally important” datasets held and used by the EA, with some supporting business information against each.
EA have released this list under the Open Government Licence, so I have put a copy on Google Drive: release of 27/11/2014 or latest release of 18/12/2014. You can also download the original spreadsheet (in zipped XLSX format): release of 27/11/2014 or latest release of 18/12/2014.
I don’t exactly know what all the fields mean. However the ‘AfA Ref’ column indicates datasets that are on EA’s Approval for Access Register. Some of the items on the list seem to be datasets that EA use but do not own, e.g. the Ordnance Survey products. [update: corrected in latest version]
Update: 15 October 2015
EA has today released a more official version of the National Dataset List, with proper documentation but fewer fields than the earlier versions.
Image credit: Environment Agency by Simon Li (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)