Written Parliamentary Questions vs the FOI Act: are Labour ministers ignoring the Ministerial Code? (March 2025)
UK Cabinet Office's first data strategy released under FOI (March 2025)
More open address datasets released by councils in England (January 2025)
Open data: are ONS's address data products legal? (January 2025)
Open address data published by Leeds City Council – Ordnance Survey intervenes to protect Royal Mail IP (November 2024)
Fire Stations in England (March 2025)
Net change in housing stock counts in England and Wales since 2010 (updated July 2024)
New build homes in England and Wales since 2000 (updated July 2024)
Nottingham Trees (updated March 2024)
Large Raised Reservoirs (updated July 2023)
Which PCCs meet minimum criteria for "Open Data" on their spending declarations? Surprisingly few ... (Policing Insight, March 2017)
(original source)
Global Open Data Index - United Kingdom insight (Open Knowledge, December 2015)
How far can we trust open data? (StatsLife, December 2014)
It's time for the private sector to release some open data too (StatsLife, September 2014)
The cost of unlocking economic potential from core reference data (Guardian Public Leaders, May 2013)
Mapped: UK Local Government Open Data Resources
Open Data Discovery Guide - UK Flood Risk and Flood Management (July 2016)
How to Publish Open Public Data (in the UK): a decision tree (from 2015)
UK Open Data: An Institutional Timeline (to 2017)
UK National Information Infrastructure: Annotated (from 2014)
Notable Datasets Missing from Data.gov.uk (from 2017)
Analysis of Freedom of Information Act Section 45 Code of Practice (Datasets) (July 2013)
Submission to National Archives consultation on implementation of the revised PSI Directive (October 2014)
Written evidence to PASC inquiry on Statistics and Open Data (September 2013)
Resource page: Geospatial Commission and Open Geospatial Data
Resource page: Environment Agency Data Advisory Group (EADAG) (to 2016)
Resource page: Defra Network Transparency Panel (to 2014)
Open Data User Group Business/Benefits Cases and Position Papers (to 2014)
UK Fire Service Areas (dataset, 2017)
Sitefinder Mobile Phone Base Station Database (dataset, 2017)
Housing and welfare reform, and the suburbanization of poverty in UK cities 2011–20 by Nick Bailey et al (Datadaptive dataset used in Urban Big Data Centre research analysis, published October 2023)
Map reveals Croydon streets where thousands of new homes have been built (mentioned in My London article, May 2022)
Exposed: the collapse of green space provision in England and Wales (Datadaptive dataset used in NEF analysis, May 2022) (Guardian coverage)
Data shows disparity of car ownership in Oldham (blog post referenced in Oldham Times article, April 2022)
High Court narrowly backs Ordnance Survey in 'address wars' case (quoted in UKAuthority article, November 2019)
Governing by rankings: how the Global Open Data Index helps advance the open data agenda (mentioned in OKFN report, November 2017)
Tories 'needed 75 people to vote differently to get a working majority' (quoted in iNews article, June 2017)
The Tories could have had a working majority if 75 people voted differently (quoted in i100 article, June 2017)
Illegal: police withholding key information (quoted in Bristol Cable article, March 2017)
What does Brexit mean for open data in the UK? (quoted in Guardian article, July 2016)
(longer comments)
We are proposing to hand away property details at the very point journalists need them most (quoted in Paul Bradshaw post, May 2016)
Why do the Tories want to hide who owns our country's land? (mentioned in Guardian article, March 2016)
Environment Agency: Going open (mentioned in Open Data Institute report, December 2015)
Institute for Government Whitehall Monitor report (mentioned in Government Digital Service post, November 2015)
Criminal check needed for access to National Pupil Database (quoted in Schools Week article, November 2015)
Data in Whitehall: which UK departments are the least and most open? (quoted in Computerworld article, August 2015)
Open data in the UK: a job half done (quoted in Computerworld article, August 2015)
Does the UK need a chief data officer? (quoted in Guardian article, April 2015)
(longer comments)
Telcos need to release mobile information as open data, urges M&S innovation manager (quoted in Computing.co.uk article, February 2015)
What has open council data ever done for us? (quoted in City Metric article, December 2014)
(longer comments)
How open data is being used to hack climate change (quoted in Guardian Professional article, April 2014)
Statistics and Open Data (quoted in PASC inquiry report, March 2014)
Top tweeters on local government data (mentioned in Guardian Public Leaders article, February 2014)
Environment Agency poised to open flood data to public (quoted in Guardian article, February 2014)
How Midata will affect business and consumers (quoted in Computer Weekly article, November 2012)
Free the green belt: a quest to map England's green belt (mentioned in Guardian Datablog article, August 2012)