Price Paid Information (England and Wales only)
This is a demonstration tool that retrieves Land Registry Price Paid information within the area shown on the map.
To use the tool: find a local area on the map and click the green button, then click the map markers to see the detailed information.
At the moment the tool contains details of 210,321 residential property transactions that were effective and recorded in February to June 2012.
Please note that the map markers have been geo-referenced to postcode only, not to the point locations of individual addresses.
This tool was built by @owenboswarva using the Google Maps API v3, some Ajax, and data released by Land Registry under the Open Government Licence.
Following is the attribution statement required by Land Registry in respect of the Price Paid information: "This data covers the transactions received
at Land Registry in the period 01/02/2012 to 30/06/2012. © Crown copyright 2012."